Happy New Year
Here's wishing you and all your dear ones a happy, prosperous, successful,
satisfying and healthy new year...
Here's a haiku to set the tone...
*New le...
1 month ago
जगण्याची ...
एकमेकांवर निर्व्याज प्रेम करणारे ते दोघे
आयुष्याच्या एका वळणावर...
तो जिब्रान जाणणारा,
ती ‘फुलराणी’ त रमलेली...
त्याचे सारेच अफाट आणि भव्य,
ती छोट्या सुखांनी हरखणारी...
त्याला ध्यास नाविन्याचा,
ती गोधडिची ऊब जपणारी...
तो घर पसरवणारा,
अन् ती ते सावरणारी...
तो आकाशाला गवसणी घालणारा,
ती मुठितील निसटणारी वाळू धरू बघणारी...
आयुष्याच्या एका वळणावर,
उभे ठाकलेले ते दोघे...
5 प्रतिसाद्:
Is this why they say,
"opposites attract" :)
Very nice... I loved it... but it is a little intriguing.. the contrast seems to be leading the poem somwhere but that somewhere didnt seem to come at the end....
And is all that about him true??
monsieur k : yeah...probably :)
alien : that somewhere is upto ones interpretation... and secondly the doubt about the truth regarding him, afterall its a piece of fiction and there may not be complete truth n complete imagination in an imaginery work :)
Khup Chhan Evadha Virodhabas Tari doghanche ekamekanvar prem Wah Kay baat Hein
He mhanaje aakash ani dharati yanche nate zale agadi nahi ka?
dhanyawaad meenal...
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